Youth Leadership/Self Advocacy
Resources and support promoting access and equal opportunity for youth and young adults with disabilities. Seeds of Partnership collaborates with specialized projects that provide direct support to individuals with disabilities and their families to increase youth participation, meaningful and positive secondary transition and post school outcomes, and disability awareness and community organizing efforts.
We are proud to sponsor the following program and organization:
California Youth Leadership Forum for Students with Disabilities (YLF)
As a national program in 30 states, the Youth Leadership Forum (YLF) began in California and is a statewide self‑advocacy and leadership development program created for high school students with disabilities. Concentrated on pre‑employment transition services, delegates engage in leadership activities focused on postsecondary education, career readiness, independent living, financial literacy, and self‑advocacy. Through small and large group activities, students build confidence in themselves, learning about successes and challenges by alumni and professionals with disabilities who share their experiences. In addition to the four-day summer program, virtual workshops are held throughout the year, covering topics such as self‑advocacy, staying engaged, disability history, culture and community, health, career planning, and work‑based learning. Social activities and peer mentoring opportunities have also been offered. A program of the Friends of Californians with Disabilities, Inc. and the California Department of Rehabilitation
Highlighted Resources
- Ed Roberts Day Resources and Storytelling Project
Interviews conducted by youth of adults with disabilities from across the state, county and internationally whom had worked with Ed at different times in his career are available on demand from the YO! Disabled & Proud playlist on the CFILC YouTube Channel. Archived footage is accessible with captioning and ASL. They encourage you to view the interviews and to also use them as you see fit. - Disabled Voices of Color Leadership Series
Youth leaders organized and invited online disabled influencers to be a part of what was known as the “Disabled Leadership Series”. They adjusted their priorities this year and have been organizing and hosting monthly “Disabled Voices of Color”. Each interviewer is invited to participate in a 60-minute interview, led by a youth, on what it’s like to be a leader that is a person of color and also happens to be disabled. The interview focuses on the intersection of each individuals experience as well as any other identifiers they might have and has shaped their careers and goals. The series allows youth participants to ask questions of adult role models with disabilities that they don’t often get an opportunity to engage with during their K-12 experience. Each interview is recorded and again archived on the YO! Disabled & Proud YouTube Channel.
Additional Resources
- Connections California: Transition to Adulthood
Connections California, is a project of Parents Helping Parents - Silicon Valley. The transition to adulthood for individuals with disabilities can be hard! Connections California - Transition to Adulthood can make it easier! There are webinars, E-Learning videos, and more in Connections California! The Connections California program applies to any person with any disability. Everything is organized into five main categories. The goal is to help you find the information you need easily for the transition to adulthood. - California Transition Alliance
This non-profit organization provides information, tools, and resources that can be shared with teachers, parents, educators, and transition partners, including the California Department of Rehabilitation and the Department of Developmental Services with an emphasis on preparing youth to transition from school to work, post-secondary education and training and living independently.