Infant / Toddler and Part C of IDEA

Explore websites, articles/publications, videos and action tools that relate to Infants/Toddlers and Part C of IDEA.


  • Overview of Early Intervention
    This website from the Center for Parent Information & Resources provides an overview of Early Intervention services for infants and toddlers that includes what EI is, who is eligible, evaluation and assessment, the IFSP process, timelines, and more.

  • Help Me Grow - Public Awareness/Child Find
    A potential Family Engagement, Public Awareness, and Child Find resource that provides free family and community outreach and developmental screenings for children birth to five.

  • California Early Start
    Website to California's lead agency (DDS) for Early Intervention services (California Early Start).  Includes eligibility, available services, referral information, a downloadable document of the Statutes and Regulations that guide California Early Start, and other helpful related links.



  • Early Intervention: Family-Centered Best Practices
    Turning Delays into Progress: Early Intervention supports families with children ages birth to three who have disabilities or developmental delays.

  • The Prieto Family's Journey: Birth to 3
    Heather shares her perspective and experience of the early years and everyday life of having a child with a disability. She describes her family’s journey through her daughter Gabby’s birth, early intervention services, service providers and support groups, new adventures and the transition to Preschool.

  • Harper Hope: Parent’s view of early intervention
    Provides a family's perspective on the role of early intervention in their lives that is helpful for early intervention practitioners or families who are or will be receiving early intervention services.
  • Team Lydia Rose: Supporting Inclusion Every Day In Every Way
    This video discusses family-centered early intervention in natural environments along with teamwork between general and special educators.

  • Strengthening Partnerships to Support Babies with Special Needs
    A short animated video about a family’s experience when they learn that their child has a disability. Explores how staff can support and partner with families through this experience.

  • Serving Infants and Toddlers in Natural Environments
    Discusses Evidence-Based Practices for working with families and young children in Early Intervention.
  • Routines Based Intervention - A three part series of short videos featuring three current early intervention service providers sharing their insights into providing supports and services using a routines-based approach.
    • Part One
      Features an experienced interventionist sharing her personal journey from a clinical approach to one focusing on family routines and activities as the context for effective early intervention.
    • Part Two
      Features three early interventionists discussing and demonstrating what intervention looks like when it is provided by collaborating with families during their natural routines and activities.
    • Part Three
      Features three early interventionists sharing their insights about how they evolved their practices towards a more effective, routines-based intervention approach.

  • Caring for Parents: Elements and Models of Support
    This Webinar discusses the emotional needs of parents raising children with disabilities, models of support to meet those needs, how professionals can provide support to families, and what parents can do to manage the stress of raising a child with disabilities.

  • Introducing the Part C Dispute Resolution Family Guides
    Provides parent centers and families with ideas on how to use these new, family-friendly guides on mediation, due process hearings, and written State complaints designed with the Part C families in mind.

Action Tools