Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Contacts
Community Advisory Committees (CACs) are vital components of effective Special Education programs in California. Across California, many CACs are active, creative bodies that assist in advising local school districts, the Board of Education and Special Education administration about the Special Education Local Plan, annual priorities, parent education and other Special Education related activities. Every Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) is required to establish a CAC. A SELPA is a consortium that is formed to ensure that the full continuum of Special Education services is available to all eligible students within its boundaries. It is comprised of an individual district, a group of districts, or districts and a county office(s) of education. CACs provide an important connection between the community and the SELPA.
The CAC is designed in legislative spirit and intent to establish a local forum for active parent involvement. The California Education Code (Part 30, Chapter 2, Article 7) describes the roles and responsibilities of the CAC. The CAC is appointed by and functions in an advisory capacity to the governing board of the local Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA).
To see if your district has a Community Advisory Committee contact, choose your district from the dropdown list. If your district does not appear in the dropdown list, it means we do not have information on your district at this time and encourage you to contact your district directly to ask.